I have enjoyed my few days off this week – Ian and I just had an easy week at home.  We visited Hedge End and Whiteley and I was able to spend some of my birthday money.  Too many snacks though!
I worked on Wednesday and it was so busy!  I met a few new customers – one lady was very funny.  She was with her friend of 40 plus years and they had met for coffee.  They came in for a browse with no intention of buying anything.  When she left, she said my shop was evil!!! Ha ha – she left with trousers, socks and a jumper and her friend bought the same jumper!  Then, another lady came in who moved to Emsworth just before Covid struck.  With a few bumps in the road, she is now settled and absolutely loves it here.  She has made lots of new friends – mostly dog walkers and was so pleased to find herself a new pair of trousers.
One of my regular ladies had a friend staying with her from Leeds.  They had already been in at the weekend, but returned for a visit before she was heading home the next day.  After a further purchase, we got chatting and she told me how she enjoyed receiving my weekly emails and that she has ordered online from us too.  So a big hello to you – you know who you are!!
We had a further delivery from Robell, some shorter leg navy cords and some top ups of jeans – they just keep coming!
I wore my new dress and boots and felt great – I received so many compliments and, in fact, I sold one of the dresses to a lady looking for something to wear to her daughter’s graduation.  Here’s a fun image I asked Ian to take before I left for work!
On Friday we ended the week with a visit to The Deck in Emsworth and treated ourselves to a delicious meal and the staff couldn’t have made us feel more welcome – I highly recommend it – in fact I’ve booked it to take Lyn and Annie there for our Christmas Meal.
Until next week, look out for each other and be kind.  Sending you lots of love, good health and best wishes.
Our website is available for online orders, click and collect and delivery.