I’d like to shout a huge, heartfelt, THANK YOU to everyone who has shopped with us since re-opening last Wednesday!
We have had some really busy days which is tremendous, and just what we had hoped for – it is so uplifting and I feel that this year in particular, we are really feeling the local support and will of everyone to want to shop local and support their independents. Given the most recent terrible news of the losses on the High Street, I can’t help but think that the future will be small independent businesses.
The knock on effect of Covid is taking it’s toll on our economy and I feel so sad for all those who have already lost their jobs or are facing redundancy at such a difficult time of year. We must pull together and remain positive – the miraculous news of the vaccine gives us all hope and a future to fight for.
In the meantime let us focus on family and loved ones, togetherness at Christmas time – time is more precious than we realise, even if it is just a telephone call – knowing that someone is thinking of you means so much.
It was definitely a cold and frosty morning this morning and we have hats, gloves and scarves in stock as well as some really cosy jumpers and ponchos to keep you warm – layers, layers, layers!
Stay safe, sending you lots of love, good health and best wishes.