It has been quite an exhilarating week for us at Karen George.
Lyn and I had a very successful time at the ladies coffee morning at Rowlands Castle Golf Club – it was good fun and we made a few sales, and new contacts. We also bought a few things ourselves from the other stall holders! A few lady golfers have since visited the shop too which is really pleasing. I’ll definitely be keen to do it again, should I be invited. Thank you to Annie for holding the fort – your turn next year!
We received a further five boxes from Caprice and one from Robell, so we now have all of our new season footwear – still more trousers and clothing to come but we are pretty well stocked now!
I know I’ve been like a stuck record about the website, but I must say I am so pleased with the new look – it has taken quite a lot more work than originally imagined. Every spare moment I have been fine tuning and adding stock – it’s been a whole new learning curve for me too, but I am feeling much more confident, finding my way around behind the scenes. Keep a look out for an email or on social media as I will make the announcement just as soon as we go live which is imminent.
I was pleased to display some colour in the windows this week – I am awaiting images from my supplier for some of the new stock before I can add it to the website, including this gorgeous orange top, but if you’d like further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Have a good week – look out for each other and be kind. Sending you lots of love, good health and best wishes.
Our website is available for online orders, click and collect and delivery.