Everyone feeling a little cooler? Whilst we don’t like the rain, none of us complained about it this week. In fact, it was quite refreshing and those I spoke with said it was lovely to see the rain! “Petrichor” is my new favourite word – it means the smell of rain as it hits the scorched earth after a long hot spell. I’ve always smelt it, but didn’t know that there was a name for it. We could do with more rain, but as I always say, night time rainfall would be perfect – especially as I am off next week!
On Monday afternoon, Lyn and Annie came to the shop and we met with Neil from Marble. He brought along two rails of goodies for next summer. It was a little chaotic as customers were coming in and looking through it as well! As usual some beautiful stock and fabulous colours. Navy, aqua, pink and green are our chosen range. Here is an image of one of the orders in aqua….. what do you think?
The windows this week are mostly full with Adini stock which is all at 30% off, so do drop in or browse the website for a bargain.
As well as an Autumn/Winter delivery from Adini, I also had one dress arrive from FOIL and I must say I really like it! I had to try it on – I am awaiting official images before I can add it to our website but it won’t be long, and soon all of the new season stock will be coming out on sale.
I am off next week – just having days out with Ian and George but I have to interrupt the week with a visit to Bournemouth to place my Robell order for next summer. I’m sure the boys will go off and play golf or find something else to do to amuse themselves.
Have a good week. Look out for each other and be kind.
Sending you lots of love, good health and best wishes.
Our website is available for online orders, click and collect and delivery.