I am very proud of our Karen George community, which continues to grow, and I enjoy keeping in contact via email. It became a regular thing during Lockdown, as a means to keep in touch and to offer support. Not a week passes by without at least one customer referring to my weekly blog, and I absolutely love to hear it! I am so pleased that you enjoy them (some customers even express how much they look forward to receiving them). It makes the time spent worthwhile, and at least I know they do get read! Sometimes I don’t have much to report but I seem to manage to waffle on, nonetheless!
I prepare the email which I then copy onto Facebook and Instagram for those of you not on the email list (and reading this now!). However, this week taught us an important lesson – relying on social media platforms to keep in contact alone, leaves us vulnerable. Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp all went offline for a number of hours on Monday. There is nothing to stop the plug being pulled in the future, and for that reason I urge those of you not on the email list, who wish to keep in contact with this community, to head over to the website and add your email address to the “Keeping you in the Loop” pop up.
It’s been a bit of a week of doom and gloom in the news hasn’t it? Rising energy costs and fuel/food shortages. Looks like we are facing a difficult time ahead. I see it as an opportunity to be less wasteful. It won’t hurt any of us to think about our lifestyles – I know my household will certainly learn a few lessons in turning lights off, spending less time in the shower, wearing things more than once before putting them in the wash (underwear excluded!) and not leaving the television talking to itself! Perhaps walking to the local shops rather than hopping in the car – however, I do suffer from Reynaud’s disease and I cannot bear to be cold, so more layers are in order! Perhaps some wrist warmers and a hat?!!
I know things are tough and we are all having to reign in our expenditure, please remember to shop local and support your small independents – we are in for another rough ride, but I am sure, together, we will come through this.
In other news, George has had his first Covid vaccination – phew! Thankfully no side effects and on Wednesday evening we visited Cemast Engineering School and registered his interest in attending one of the Automotive and Motorsports courses. The campus was fantastic with a fully functional garage with diagnostic tools and they also have two track-ready racing cars onsite. It was perfect timing as George is now keen to get his head down and revise for his forthcoming mock exams in November, in order to obtain the necessary grades required for the course.
So there you go, I managed to waffle on again – have a good week, sending you lots of love, good health and best wishes. Look out for each other and be kind.
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